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Episode 51 – With Special Guest Trading Expert Louise Bedford and I Have a Candid Chat About Mindset Trading and Investing

Although I was getting Louise on to share her expertise about trading, we found ourselves further unpacking the importance of having a long-term view as well as setting short term goals with the catalyst being getting our mindset right when it comes to investing.

It’s not surprising to hear that only 26% of American women get involved in investing in the stock market and that they tend to be less aggressive in their approach compared to men. But did you know that many studies have shown that women tend to outperform their male counterparts in investing? Despite this, only 9% of women believe they make better investors than men.

Recent stats also came out of a white paper whereby Netwealth interviewed Australian women of all ages to get an idea of their attitude to investing, their confidence around money management and financial literacy. Click this link to this white paper – the fact is when it comes to women, we often lack confidence – often derived by fear caused by subconscious programming.

But this does not mean we are not good at investing – on the contrary: Investments managed by women during 2022’s market draw down fared better than assets managed by male counterparts. The analysis examined returns from 80 investment portfolios across 73 asset managers.

Interestingly, the evidence also suggests that in times of stress, female fund managers take less risk than male fund managers, but they achieve the same performance.

About Louise Bedford

Louise is a best-selling author and the founder of

She and her business partner, Chris Tate, have been running their repeat-for-free Mentor Program since the year 2000. They provide simple techniques that you can implement straight away, and valuable resources to enhance your trading so you can maximise your profit potential.

To get in touch with Louise

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I am so grateful for your time today – My your day be blessed, fun and full of adventure where ever you are! Signing off for now.