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Episode 57 – Pioneering Client-Centric Financial Planning

In this enlightening episode of Centsability with Amie, our host sits down with Ryan, a seasoned financial expert, to discuss the pivotal shift from business-centric to client-centric financial advising. The pair delve deep into the intricacies of the heavily regulated financial industry and underscore the profound ripple effect that true value can create.   

Ryan passionately speaks about his approach, one that isn’t just about ticking boxes but is rooted in seeing people thrive. He touches on the significant impact this has on clients, potentially affecting every aspect of their lives and how this organic growth often results in referrals.  

As Amie and Ryan converse, they both emphasise the importance of these value-driven conversations and their potential to reshape the industry. The episode is packed with insights, making it a must-listen for financial professionals and clients alike. 

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Do you want to be more in control of your finances, but have no idea where to start? Click here to explore how we can work together to tackle those financial challenges! 


  • Embracing the Ripple Effect: Ryan emphasises the profound impact of providing true value to clients, suggesting that this ripple effect can lead to growth and referrals. 
  • Beyond Box Ticking: The industry’s move from ticking regulatory boxes to genuinely caring about clients’ prosperity. 
  • Industry Insights: A look into the financial industry’s regulatory environment and its implications.
  • Collaboration Over Competition: Ryan mentions the sheer number of advisors versus the actual number serving new clients, highlighting a need for more collaborative efforts rather than competition. 
  • The Power of Conversation: Amie and Ryan stress the significance of their value-driven conversations and their potential to reshape the industry. 
  • Championing Financial Empowerment: The episode underscores the importance of financial advice in helping clients take control, reduce stress, and ensure better sleep. 

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Amie Baker is a licensed financial advisor and money coach. She is especially passionate about helping women achieve financial freedom. Her holistic approach incorporates everything from investing advice to self-care, how to think like an entrepreneur and take charge of your financial future. Amie is also the host of two podcasts focused on empowering money mindsets.

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Please note that any information shared in this podcast is general in nature and not to be perceived as financial advice. Please seek advice from a licensed financial advisor.